Adult Basic Education (ABE)
Adult Secondary Education (ASE)
High School Equivalency (HSE)
Adult Basic Education (ABE) is designed to bring a student from grade zero through the eighth-grade competency level, as determined by standardized testing. Beginning level courses cover grade zero through the third-grade competency level. Intermediate level courses include grade four through the eighth-grade competency level. Each level may include basic literacy skills; workforce/employability skills; career exploration/awareness skills; workplace literacy; family literacy; and Bridge training.
Adult Secondary Education (ASE) is designed to bring a student from the ninth grade through the twelfth-grade competency level, as determined by standardized testing, and to prepare a student to achieve an HSE (High School Equivalency) credential. The curriculum may include courses in general academic and intellectual skills; and similar skills as those for ABE but at levels suitable for preparing for a HSE diploma.
Three assessments are approved by the Illinois Community board for students to earn their high school equivalency (HSE) diplomas: GED®, HiSET, and TASC.
For more information about ABE/ASE or the HSE choose one of the links below:
Instructors/Administrators Click Here »
Professional Development for ABE/ASE Instructors Click Here »